About Khasala Village
Khasala is a village panchayat located in the Nagpur district of Maharashtra state, India. The latitude 21.201600823411074 and longitude 79.11822613849087 are the geocoordinate of the Khasala. Mumbai is the state capital for Khasala village. It is located around 11 hr 14 min (779.1 km) via Hindu Hrudaysamrat Balasaheb Thackeray Maharashtra Samruddhi Mahamarg away from Khasala.
The surrounding nearby villages and its distance from Khasala are Masala 2 KM , Kawatha 4 KM , Bhilgaon 1 KM , Khairy 4 KM , Zero Mile Nagpur 7 KM , Kamptee 7 KM. and state Capital Mumbai is 779.1 KM.
The other surrouning state capitals are Hyderabad (Telangana) 500 KM., Raipur(Chhattisgarh) 470 KM., Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh) 348.4 KM.
The country capital New Delhi is away 18 hr 29 min (1,200.0 km) via Bundelkhand Expy.
The native language of Khasala is Marathi and most of the village people speak Marathi . Khasala people use Marathi language for communication. Other languages like Hindi, English are also use for communication.
Particular | Information |
Locality Name : | Khasala ( खसाळा ) |
Taluka Name : | Kamptee |
District : | Nagpur |
State : | Maharashtra |
Region : | Vidarbh |
Division : | Nagpur |
Language : | Marathi , Hindi and English |
Time zone : | IST (UTC+5:30) |
Elevation / Altitude: | 290 meters. Above Seal level |
Assembly constituency : | Kamthi assembly constituency |
Assembly MLA : | Chandrashekhar Krushnrao Bawankule |
Lok Sabha constituency : | Ramtek parliamentary constituency |
Parliament MP : | Shyamkumar Daulat Barve |
Sarpanch Name : | Jayshree Dhananjay Ingole |
Telephone Code / Std Code: | 07109 |
Pin Code : | 440026 |