Message from Sarpanch :-

Today I take immense pleasure and a deep sense of satisfaction to introduce the official Website of Khasala Gram Panchayat of Nagpur District from Maharashtra State.
As a vestige of India’s Colonial legacy as well as linear hierarchical administrative machinery , Civil Servant’s accountability and transparency to the general public had been nominal . But an integral part good Governance is transparency & accountability.
It is noteworthy, that the more one can share information , less will be the ill-effect of corruption , which also reduces the arbitrary action of Government servants . On the other hand , a transparent administrative system can usher in reforms and thus make the administration more responsive and performance-oriented. With these vision in mind , the Government of India promulgated the RTI Act which empowers access to all its citizens to the administrative information , Govt. records and related date, albeit with few exceptions.
In Today’s world of Information Technology, taking the Service delivery mechanism to the doorstep of the beneficiary without him to pay a visit at our office , is the biggest challenge . This official website is our small endeavour in that direction as we are striving our best to present a virtual office through this medium. As a part of RTI Act, this proactive disclosure through our website , will not only disseminate information related to the overall development of Khasala Village , but will also give access to people , all the available data, records and keep them updated on important Government Schemes and drives on daily basis.
Finally I also appreciate all the officials , under Khasala Gram Panchayat which has extended their cordial support by providing information , for the Development of this Website. I shall be eagerly looking forward for any kind of suggestions and feedback from all of you. Wishing you all a better tomorrow.
With regards,
Jayshree Dhananjay Ingole
Khasala Gram Panchayat
Message from Deputy Sarpanch :-

Welcome to the official website of Khasala Gram Panchayat, Kamptee District of Maharashtra. Within the administrative framework, all officers and staff of the Khasala Gram Panchayat work as a coherent, well knit team and are always eager to better their service delivery mechanism for the cause of the common public at large.
The website has been built to all relevant information to the public domain so that any person can get any information relating to public services available at the Gram Panchayat level and it will be a ready reckoner for all to be updated with the ongoing development works of Government.
It will also help us to strive to upgrade our performance, to make ourselves more efficient, prompt and effective in our job.
I thank each one of them who made this project feasible and hope that it will contribute to improve our citizen centric Service.
With regards,
Atul Ishwardas Bawankule
Deputy Sarpanch,
Khasala Gram Panchayat